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George Osborne for EID Board
George Osborne is currently serving as the President of the El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) Board of Directors where he has become a strong voice for family-owned farms, ranches, orchards, vineyards and other small businesses. Known for his outspoken advocacy on behalf of ratepayers, George led the money saving efforts which have modernized EID’s management and operations; replaced miles of leaking pipes and rebuilt worn-out infrastructure; reduced the number of employees by 30%; balanced every budget; and eliminated waste, fraud, and abuse. George has worked hard to both protect our water rights from out-of-county interests and successfully expand the precious water supply we all depend on. Putting ratepayers first, George helped write tough policies imposing strict water recycling regulations on El Dorado Hills, in addition to, EID’s Drought Action Plan - a common sense plan that really worked!

George inspecting a new EID Facility
George Osborne has an outstanding record of working with our representatives in Washington and Sacramento to help EID receive millions of dollars for new improvement projects and breakthrough barriers imposed by out of touch bureaucrats. For example, George Osborne was a key leader in the long and difficult efforts that successfully bought Sly Park and Jenkinsen Lake’s water from the Federal Government for EID so we will never have to buy our own local water again. In addition, George’s hard work again helped EID acquire another 17,000 acre feet of water from Folsom Lake.

George reviewing upgrades to the EID electrical system
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