George Osborne for EID Board

Mike Owen, Crystal Basin Cellars
Thank you for the Endorsements:
"George has been a big supporter of public safety, our Ag community, and the customer." Sincerely, Sheriff John D'Agostini
El Dorado County Farm Bureau The Farm Bureau is a grassroots membership, non-profit organization led by a volunteer Board of Directors who represent the commodities grown in our county.
"I am pleased to endorse George Osborne for reelection to the Board of Directors of the El Dorado Irrigation District (EID). George is an elected official but not a typical politician: He says what he means and means what he says. He exercised real leadership when he worked with me as your Representative to secure enactment of legislation through Congress to secure transfer of ownership and operations from the federal government to EID of the Sly Park Unit of the Central Valley Project. This transfer of ownership and operation was one of only a handful, which occurred during those years throughout the entire United States. It was a long and difficult battle. During the intervening years, he remained on the board to see that the debt incurred by EID was completely retired. The facilities now belong to EID free and clear, which will remove it from the uncertainties of federal ownership, provide substantial cost reduction and afford the peace of mind, which comes from local control. If anyone every deserved reelection for a job well done It is George Osborne for EID!" John T. Doolittle
The California Taxpayer Protection Committee has unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed George Turnboo in the red hot El Dorado County District II Supervisor contest and George Osborne for re-election to the El Dorado Irrigation District in Division I. Turnboo is an independent small business owner from Somerset and Osborne is a retired CalFire Unit Chief from Camino.
“George Turnboo will bring the frugal eye of a small business owner to the County Board of Supervisors,” predicted Tom Hudson, President of the California Taxpayer Protection Committee, “along with the strength to hold County management accountable and common sense to question the real need for staff-driven spending proposals like installing wasteful roundabouts.”
“George Osborne has a long and proven record of protecting Taxpayers, “explained Hudson, “like keeping his limited government promise by shrinking EID’s workforce by nearly one third and buying the District’s main water source, Sly Park, from the Federal Government so rate payers don’t have to buy their own water anymore. “
The California Taxpayer Protection Committee is a non-partisan statewide taxpayer advocacy organization that fights to stop reckless and unnecessary government spending. The group supports candidates who seek justice for taxpayers, lower taxes and fees, tax simplification, and tax reform.
The deadline to return ballots is Tuesday, November 3.
"Great news for Rancho Del Sol (RDS). George Osborne, board member and president of EID board informed me we now have a permanent generator at our pump station. This will keep our water tank full during power outages so that RDS will not run out of water. This is quite important in numerous ways.
Thank you Mr. Osborne for keeping RDS on your radar for this much needed back up power source. You have our vote." Sincerely, Glenn and Cheryl Webb
"George has tirelessly worked to elevate the quality of our water and preserve water rights for all in the system. I watched how he operates in a variety of meetings and circumstances. He has always held every rate payer in the highest regard. He has worked to keep our water supply, shed and quality at it upmost . Insuring that EID water is the finest ,purest and most affordable water in our State If you care about your future and the future of your county Vote to Re-elect George Osborne Division1 El Dorado Irrigation District. You deserve clean fresh water and require it for your very life. Don't take chance on your healthy Vote For George Osborne!"
"I wholeheartedly endorse George Osborne for re-election to the El Dorado Irrigation District Board. I trust his judgment and experience. He carefully balances keeping rate increases to a minimum with investing in our water and sewer systems to maintain reliable service. Look no further than PG&E to understand the price of failing to properly maintain a utility system—rates skyrocket and service is interrupted. George Osborne is a level-headed leader who is not afraid to make the difficult decisions." Bob Reeb
El Dorado Irrigation District The PAC is supporting George Osborne
George has the background and experience necessary to continue to move EID forward in a thoughtful and progressive way.
His track record and institutional knowledge are an irreplaceable asset to the Board and the Community.
He has the respect and trust of EID staff and the people they serve. Vote for George. Laurel Brent-Bumb A.C.E. Chief Executive Officer 530-621-5885
Watchdog Organizations
California Taxpayer Protection Committee
El Dorado County Farm Bureau
El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce
California Republican Assembly
El Dorado County Republican Central Committee
Respected Leaders
Congressman Tom McClintock
Congressman John Doolittle (Ret.)
Senator Rico Oller (Ret.)
Wendy Thomas District 3 Supervisor-elect
Judge Steven Bailey (Ret.)
EID Director Pat Dwyer
EID Director Mike Raffety
EID Director Bill George (Ret.)
EID Director Harry Norris (Ret.)
Caring Neighbors
Gael Barsotti
John & Pam Blank
Greg Boeger
Lexi Boeger
Tom Cumpston
Mark J. Davis
Chris Delfino
Dan & Teresa Dellinger
Nancy Dixon
Tom Heflin
Caryoln Mansfield
Tanner Mar
Carol Osborne
Dano Raffetto
Kurt & Polly Raffetto
Bob & Margot Scharpf
Thomas Stinton
Brad Visman
Steve & Lise Wallace
Lloyd Walker
Paul Penn